Cabbages, broccoli and onions: Europe the export leader

Cabbages, broccoli and onions: Europe the export leader
The European balance trade in cauliflower and broccoli rose quite a lot in terms of volume (+2.6% on average between imports and exports), but the traded value remained the same between 2013 […]
Mon 17/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Florida headed for smaller citrus crop

Florida headed for smaller citrus crop
The first season forecasts for Florida Citrus predict 70 million boxes of oranges and 9.6 million boxes of grapefruit. That means a 14% drop in the state’s orange production and […]
Fri 14/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Pears: European supply falls

Pears: European supply falls
The context of European pear production suggests that 2016 production is expected to reach somewhat limited levels: 2.17 million tons are predicted, i.e. a 9% decrease on last season and […]
Fri 14/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Italy exports 60% of its tomatoes

Italy exports 60% of its tomatoes
Despite the fact of the trend towards healthy food, Europeans are eating less and less vegetables. The rise of convenience foods, ready-to-eat meals and fast foods encourage the consumption of […]
Thu 13/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Fifth best citrus season ever for Spain

Fifth best citrus season ever for Spain
The Citrus Management Committee (CGC) has taken stock and estimates exports at 3.64 million tons, at the expense of a considerable drop in processing into juice and losses. Unit prices […]
Tue 11/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

World demand grows for Italian seedless grapes

World demand grows for Italian seedless grapes
Seedless varieties are the new frontier for Italian table grapes, as the steadily increasing demand from consumers and the closure of some markets point in that direction even though traditional […]
Mon 10/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

10.5% increase in the EU lemon market

10.5% increase in the EU lemon market
In 2015, total imports of lemons inside and outside the EU reached 1.08 million tons for a total value of €1.22 billion. Two-thirds of imported lemons’ value and half the […]
Mon 10/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Record sales for European berry market

Record sales for European berry market
Berries have been the most valuable produce category in Europe over the last decade. Red berries have overtaken all other types of fresh produce in terms of growth. In 2015, […]
Mon 10/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Apple imports rose 7% last year

Apple imports rose 7% last year
There has also been a 10% upswing in the past five years. In 2015, more than 160 countries together imported 6.6 billion tons of fresh apples, up 7% on the […]
Fri 07/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Guatemalan fruits and vegetables take position in Europe

Guatemalan fruits and vegetables take position in Europe
In data provided by the Guatemalan Export Association (AGEXPORT), in 2015 shipments of these two items accounted for 13% of total Guatemalan foreign sales, a figure equivalent to US $ […]
Fri 07/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Mercabarna establishes itself as the top European market

Mercabarna establishes itself as the top European market
Mercabarna, located in Barcelona, is the major food market within Europe and the most significant one for trade in fruit and vegetables. In 2015 the companies in Mercabarna sold 1,700,000 […]
Tue 04/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Return to normal lemon harvest in Spain

Return to normal lemon harvest in Spain
Spain is in line for a 2016/17 lemon harvest of 980,000 tons, up 22% on last season, according to the latest forecast by Ailimpo, the Spanish interprofessional association for lemons […]
Fri 30/09/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

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