Spain, Morocco and Italy remain key EU watermelon suppliers

Spain, Morocco and Italy remain key EU watermelon suppliers
Spain is the largest supplier of watermelon to the European Union, with exports to the community totalling 524.93 million kilos in 2022. This accounts for 30.75% of all watermelon purchased […]
Mon 03/07/2023 by María Belén Barbini


Quality from inside out Thanks to its irregular and attractive shape,Wabi-Sabi is a tomato that contributes to the fight against food waste. After consolidating the unique tomato’s success on the […]
Mon 03/07/2023

Rising exports of Moroccan berries

<strong>Rising exports </strong>of Moroccan berries
The 2030 projection is for more than 350,000 tons of berry exports. In 2022, Morocco’s berry production included 3,400 ha of strawberries, 3,900 ha of blueberries, 4,100 of raspberries and 150 ha of others. Exports reached 214,000 tons of fresh and frozen berries in 2021/22, compared with 103,004 tons five years ago and 86,877 tons ten years ago.
Mon 03/07/2023 by By Pierre Escodo

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