
Mon 03/07/2023
The breeder has developed HREZ varieties of tomatoes.
The revolutionary Wabi-Sabi tomato is grown in Almería, Spain.

Quality from inside out

Thanks to its irregular and attractive shape,Wabi-Sabi is a tomato that contributes to the fight against food waste. After consolidating the unique tomato’s success on the Spanish market, Semillas Fitó plans to take it to other European markets interested in its great potential, such as France, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. Semillas Fitó is now preparing to increase the availability of Wabi-Sabi in the next campaign, with the aim of structuring production to ensure year-round supply and meet demand from major European retail chains.

Enza Zaden

offers protection for tomato crops

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is one of the greatest threats to tomato crops, acting in a similar way to the ToMV/TMV viruses. Both are characterised by easy and fast transmission, causing significant losses to farmers. The Enza Zaden seed house is a pioneer in the discovery of the High Resistance (HREZ) gene that blocks the virus, thus preventing its multiplication and spread. The work carried out by Enza Zaden has led to the development of commercial HREZ varieties available in the main tomato types adapted to different production areas.

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