Spain’s fresh produce exports drop 10% in January

Spain’s fresh produce exports drop 10% in January
Data from Spain’s Department of Customs and Excise, processed by Fepex, show that the country’s exports of fruits and vegetables fell 10% year-on-year in January to just over 1.1m tones. […]
Mon 10/04/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Barcelona hosted first international food systems summit

Barcelona hosted first international food systems summit
Barcelona hosted the Summit “Sistemas Alimentarios” on March 22 and 23, 2023 organised by the Triptolemos Foundation, the INCYDE Foundation, of the Chambers of Commerce and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation.
Thu 06/04/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Fall in Huelva’s berry production

Fall in Huelva’s berry production
Freshuelva (The Association of Strawberry Producers and Exporters of Spain’s Huelva region) projects a 30% fall in strawberry output and a 25% smaller blueberry crop compared to the last campaign, […]
Thu 30/03/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Patatas Meléndez inaugurates 4.0 production factory

Patatas Meléndez inaugurates 4.0 production factory
In an act presided over on March 29 by the President of the Castilla-y-Leon region, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, Patatas Melendez showed why it is the most outstanding business project in the agri-food sector in Castilla y León
Thu 30/03/2023 by Pierre Escodo

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