Almería’s outdoor watermelon acreage shrinks by a quarter

Mon 24/04/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

According to a study by ASAJA-Almería, the Spanish province will see a 25% contraction in its outdoor watermelon production area. The reduction is due to a combination of the extended autumn productions of peppers, cucumbers, aubergines and courgettes until later in the year due to above-average prices, as well as the fear of pests and diseases at this time of year. “This has motivated many farmers to decide to forego planting watermelon, because with the current cost situation there is not enough confidence to plant another crop,” says Adoración Blanque, President of ASAJA-Almería. In some parts, there is also a lack of rain.

However, to date, the weather has helped to produce good pollination of the plants in greenhouses, which undoubtedly guarantees the quality of the watermelons that are already beginning to be marketed. “It is essential that the watermelon is harvested at its optimum moment,” said Blanque.


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