3rd edition of Biotech Attraction featured 23 company presentations and a large audience

Mon 09/10/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Biovegen, the biotechnology platform dedicated to connecting advances in agricultural research with the needs of companies, consolidated its collaboration with the Fruit Attraction fair this year. In 2021 Biovegen opted to promote a new catalyst space for innovation in the agricultural sector. Biotech Attraction saw the same number of exhibitors this year (18 companies) linked to innovation in agriculture, with 23 presentations of business projects exhibited. And as is traditional, on this occasion on the morning of the 4th and at the Fruit Forum in Pavilion 4, the platform held a new event with almost 400 professionals from all over the country from 49 research centres, 89 companies and 11 associations attending a conference series titled ‘Research, innovation and entrepreneurship in agrobiotechnology’.


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