Eurofresh Distribution #187 – September/October 2023


EUROFRESH DISTRIBUTION is a printed and digital magazine dedicated to the production, distribution and retail of fresh fruit and vegetables.

  • Biedronka, Covirán, Lidl, and Pagoda feature among our interviews with retail leaders.
  • Bio & Sustainability is our special report.
  • Costa Rica, Germany, Spain, US and UAE are the focus of our market reports.
  • Apple & Pear, Banana, Berries, Citrus, Kiwi, Tropical Fruits, Summer Fruits, Convenience, Tomato & Pepper, New Varieties and Lettuce & Broccoli are analysed in our produce reports.
  • Our interview of the month was conducted with Mauro Poinelli, head of the wine, spirits and horticultural products unit at the European Commission.
