Mercamadrid online now offers integrated logistics 

Tue 26/09/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The services available in Mercamadrid online are growing, with the incorporation of the first specialised logistics operator to the platform. This service connects purchasing companies and suppliers at Mercamadrid more efficiently. To this end, the platform has a leading specialist in cold logistics, SEUR, which through its SEUR cold service carries out the rapid transport of food at controlled temperatures (between 2 and 8 degrees) with next day delivery before 1:30 p.m. In addition, an innovative system, based on the Internet of Things (IoT), guarantees temperature traceability from the moment of collection to delivery. The quality of this service was recently endorsed by AENOR, which awarded the ISO 23412 certificate for land transport of deliveries at controlled and refrigerated temperature to SEUR for this service.

In recent months, mercamadrid online has expanded its offering, with the incorporation of new operators, as well as functions to streamline processes and increase flexibility. Spain’s first B2B virtual wholesale market for fresh food already has an extensive catalogue of fresh food, with 11,000 products in three sectors: meat, fish, as well as fruits and vegetables. 


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