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Frutta C2, more value for kiwi


During 2012/13 the FruttaC2 company became one of the front runners in kiwi and stone fruit in the Verona area. The stone fruit campaign was not as positive as for kiwi, which traded 20,000 tons last year, although in 2013/14 these volumes have slumped by -30% due to the PSA bacterium. Although kiwi quality has been very good, the lack of product has been felt. New kiwi plantations soon to come into production in the Verona area will replace the damaged groves. So the producers are confident that development of next year’s campaign will be better in terms of volume.  “Although demand for the kiwi in Europe continues to fall, in recent years we’ve seen it rising in overseas markets”, explains Alessandro Pernigo. “The fruit is good food, wholesome and good for your health. This is good news that we must transmit to regain consumer confidence, guaranteeing taste and quality.” Frutta C2 is joining forces with the large kiwi producers working towards greater coordination and unification of the parameters for quality Italian kiwi, through two major projects: First, in the public scope through the Ortofrutta Italia commission, operating under the direction of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy. And second, under the Kiwifruit of Italy consortium, a private sector initiative accounting for 20% of national production.